San Diego has had the most unpredictable weather. Winter? What's that? 74 degrees? No!! It has been raining for AT LEAST 763 days now. .. at least....
I usually LOVE the rain. (In fact, I dream of living in the PNW) Rainy days are such a valid excuse to stay indoors and slow down with my wild tribe, but being a lover of chasing sunlight and beautiful sunsets with my couples and families this weather has been a challenge.
Caroline and I noticed the weather was predicted to rain the day we were scheduled for our session. Knowing the Apple weather app isn't always accurate we decided not to make a decision until the last second. Seriously last second. Driving to the beach, it was pouring- John looked at me and said so.. uh.. what are your thoughts? I was losing hope, but guess what...
All this happened. And it was magical.
Thanks for looking!!